Tuesday 17 October 2017

Well That Didn't Take Long, Did It?!

Since by friend bought me all those wonderful vintage dress patterns last week I've been desperate to have a go at making one. It's taken me a week to make a decision on which one to make a toile of.

The decision was made a little bit harder due to the fact that Rose passed yet ANOTHER pattern to me the other day. Turns out there were 17 patterns not 16. One had fallen out of one of the plastic wallets and she found it in the bottom of her bag a few days later ... and here it is!

I decided to go with a 1967 Simplicity step-in dress pattern. The pattern can be made with either full length sleeves, short sleeves or completely sleeveless. I've gone for the sleeveless option. I've never been too fond of doing sleeves and this will be the first dress I've made in far too long. Hopefully I'll not make a pig's ear of it! Since I've run out of calico I decided to use some curtain fabric. I actually quite like the fabric. I think it's very retro!

Cheers Then!

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