Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Metropolis/Siobhan Fahey Inspired Catsuit Design

My original inspiration for this surface pattern design was strangely enough Brigitte Helm's character in the silent masterpiece Metropolis. This is because a reference point mentioned in the brief was science fiction. As the surface pattern design progressed and I decided upon a fashion based textile responce I was reminded of the fantastic costume Siobhan Fahey wore when I saw her perform. The theatrical monochrome catsuit really evoked the idea of the character of Maria in my mind and Siobhan seemed more like a sort of mechanical creature than a woman on stage. I could immediately see her wearing a catsuit with this surface design as she is well known for her fantastic edgy style. I think she'd look amazing in it.

This is the original catsuit worn by Siobhan on her 2010 tour which inspired me to use my surface pattern design on a catsuit.

This is how Siobhan would look if I was lucky enough to apply my surface design onto a catsuit which she wore.

I'm really pleased with how my Metropolis design would look. Although I would prefer my surface design added to a catsuit more like the original illustration.

I hope you like the design. As ever feedback is always welcomed.

Well until next time,

Cheers Then!

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