I was recently commissioned to design and make the girls costumes for a production of the musical Godspell. I couldn't be happier as not only is it a great design commission but I absolutely love the film version and the fantastic costumes.
I was given just a skeleton brief for this commission. All I was asked was to make the costumes as much as possible from recycled fabrics (perfect for me as they called me 'Recycle Michael' at college!) and that they be 'bright, wacky and fun.' I was also asked to keep the essence of the costume designs by the wonderful Susan Tsu for the original stage production (later adapted by Sherrie Sucher for the 1973 film version).
I decided to use the 1975 Wrap & Go Skirt pattern a friend found for me recently as the template for most of the girls skirts. Of course each will be very individual. I have however decided that as well as keeping consistency in the costumes on the basis of colour palette, each costume will also have a fabric or motif from another character's costume to make all the costume very coherent.
So far I've been working on the wrap skirt for the character portrayed in the 1973 film version of Godspell by the fantastic Gilmer McCormick Reinhardt. Embellishments on this skirt include embroidery stitches, individually hand-stitiched beadwork and hand-dyed crotched lace as well as hand-dyed cotton lace.
Below are some shots of what I've completed so far. I hope you like it. Look out for posts of the other costumes over the coming weeks. Feedback, as ever, would be greatly appreciated.
Until next time,
Cheers Then!